European Consumer Centre

Are you experiencing troubles with any EU, Norway or Iceland vendor?


Christmas: social networks and “mystery boxes”

Shopping via social networks such as Facebook, Instagram or TikTok is becoming increasingly popular. However, stylish advertising, videos and attractive product photos can confuse buyers, which is exploited by unfair sellers, mainly from non-European countries, and by fraudsters with no intention of shipping any goods or sending products of a completely different quality than advertised. How to spot them and not be…

More than 60% disputes solved amicably

If a consumer is deprived of his/her rights and is unable to resolve the problem with the entrepreneur on his/her own, he/she does not have to go to court immediately, but can use one of the forms of out-of-court dispute resolution. One of them is the free assistance of the European Consumer Centres Network (ECC-Net), whose Czech branch last year helped to amicably resolve almost two-thirds of consumer disputes with…

Vignettes in EU countries – the positives and the scams

Internet scammers have taken a new tack – they offer but never deliver a vignette for another European Union country to which the buyer wants to make a short trip. Alternatively, the stamp is more than twice as expensive. Here’s how to spot such fraudulent offers. However, there is some good news from the EU – from 2024 there will also be one-day or one-week vignettes that will have price caps. Not…

Ve fotokoláži vchází muž po kolejích do mobilního telefonu, kde koleje pokračují zelení do dálky.

EU brings fast roaming data

After a sharp reduction in roaming prices when travelling to EU countries, another major new development is coming – from 1 July, operators must provide the same quality of internet connection in other EU countries as for which users pay at home. This update to the European regulation comes based on findings that one third of tourists in the EU had slower internet connection speed than at home, and 28 per cent…